Restoring admin operations is not the end-game of disaster recovery

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Many organizations focus only on Task-Critical and Business-Critical operations during the initial stages of disaster recovery.  Organizations have become so entrenched with the IOT (Internet Of Things) throughout their operations that the digital world overshadows the physical world.  Unfortunately, the true physical impact of mission-critical assets are acknowledged only after service is restored to Task-Critical and Business-Critical operations, which are generally delivered remotely via the IOT.

Organizations that fully understand the relationship between “Importance of time” and “Cost to business if capability lost” for mission-critical assets are easy to recognize by how they respond during the initial phases of recovery.  Those that address their mission-critical assets (such as manufacturing equipment) while there’s still time to mitigate ongoing damages become the survivors.


Recovery Tip of the day –  Organizations that don’t have the bandwidth to implement effective damage control and assessments of equipment/machinery assets  EARLY in the recovery process need to connect with an organization that’s “ready, willing and able” to deliver effective and timely technical recovery solutions.